Immigration Center of
Ekaterina Mouratova, PA

Corporate immigration
planning and strategy

U.S. immigration law establishes multiple non-immigrant and immigrant visas. Often either U.S.-based companies are looking to bring foreign talent to their U.S.-based facilities or foreign companies wish to establish business presence in the U.S. and transfer their managers and executives here.

Foreign professionals can be employed in the U.S. either on a temporary or permanent basis. Different types of visas are required depending on the nature and scope of the employment as well as professional qualifications of the candidate.

It is not easy to wade through the waters of the U.S. immigration law. We are experts in the developing immigration strategy and planning for companies and individual professionals. Our services start with the evaluation of the personal circumstances and drafting a legal memorandum that can be used during the whole immigration process. We review all available routes, give detailed description of every legal and business requirement that may be associated with each chosen program, consider what risks may be involved, and then render a comprehensive legal recommendation. Once a client decides to pursue an immigrant or non-immigrant visa, we provide a full-range of services in the preparation, submission and prosecution of the petition. We guide our clients to the full extent of all their immigration needs and are proud to serve as their trusted advisors.

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