Immigration Center of
Ekaterina Mouratova, PA


Всех приветствую ! Предлагаю помощь для тех у кого трудности в США с поиском работы , подработки . Пишите в Телеграм @White_Castor помогу всем и каждому !
Опубликовано: lucas
Я хотела бы выразить свою благодарность и отметить профессионализм Екатерины Муратовой!

Екатерина оказала мне хорошую помощь и поддержку в процессе оформления моей иммиграционной визы.

С самого начала сотрудничества с Екатериной, я почувствовала, что она настоящий профессионал своего дела)!
Екатерина проявила высокий уровень компетентности и внимательности к деталям при подготовке моего кейса.
Она провела тщательный анализ моей ситуации, предоставила мне четкий план действий и помогла мне собрать все необходимые документы для подачи заявления.

Я очень довольна результатом и благодарна Екатерине за ее помощь.

Ее профессионализм, внимательность к деталям и забота о клиентах являются примером для других иммиграционных адвокатов.

Я рекомендую Екатерину Муратову как надежного и опытного иммиграционного адвоката в США!!!
Опубликовано: Inna Lenox
Спасибо Екатерине за грамотную консультацию, в целом очень доволен. Другие адвокаты как-то очень размыто и многообещающе отвечали на мои вопросы.
За 45 минут все вопросы закрыл. Планирую подписывать договор.
Опубликовано: Dzmitry
I would like to express my gratitude to The Law Firm of Ekaterina Mouratova for the excellent work registering my EB3 immigration petition. My petition was approved by the USCIS, which allowed me and my family to start a new stage of life. I recommend Ekaterina Mouratova and her team. They have shown themselves to be efficient in their work and that they can provide the desired results in a timely manner. Everything was done professionally.
Опубликовано: Ivan Lisovets
Здравствуйте Екатерина я хочу стать солдатом Соединенные Штатов Америки если вы можете мне помочь в этом тогда пожалуйста помогите мне.
Опубликовано: Kerim Gurbandurdyýew
Ekaterina helped my mom with her Green Card application after we had some difficulties, trying to do it ourselves. She fixed our situation quickly, talked to us for many long months before the interview and went to the interview with us. Everything was done professionally and my mom got her Green Card. Thank you so much, Ekaterina!
Опубликовано: Anastasia
Ekaterina is a very efficient lawyer, she always keeps you informed of your case, and is very realistic about your case, I recommend her to any of my friends and family. My husband and I got in touch with her so my husband could get his green card and he got it because of the help and advice that she gave us. We are very happy with her services.
Опубликовано: Rachel
The Law Firm of Ekaterina Mouratova, PLLC has done wonderful job in assisting our company with immigration of several employees. The staff consistently proved that they can provide the desired results in a timely manner. Everyone I have dealt with at the office has been professional and efficient in their work and demonstrated superior knowledge, attention to detail, and excellent customer service. We look forward to working with them in the future and we highly recommend them!
Опубликовано: Andrew H., a CEO of an international corporation
Ms. Mouratova handled several legal matters for me and I’ve always been impressed by her ability to apply her legal expertise in a practical, efficient manner, bringing issues to conclusion with minimal of hassle and expense. Ms. Mouratova stands out as one of the attorneys who are fair and honest as well as highly competent. I have always appreciated that she communicated clearly and patiently, advised thoroughly, and obtained excellent results.
Опубликовано: Randy J., a business owner
I am greatly thankful for the first-rate legal services Ekaterina Mouratova has provided to me, my company, and my family. Her eagerness to help, top-notch legal skills, creative problem-solving ability, and concern for the well-being of everybody involved have always assured me that she is the right lawyer for me and my loved ones. She is a trust-worthy and reliable advisor to me in all my business and personal matters. I can confidently refer anybody in need for legal services to her.
Опубликовано: Elena A., a business owner

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