There are special classes of immigrants who are valued highly in the United States. These are individuals whose special skills help the United States in a fundamental way. Therefore, they are sought after for what they can do to benefit the country. They help to enhance and enrich the country in terms of adding culture and so much more. 

One who believes that they themselves may possess particular skills, which may be of benefit to the country, should consult an immigration attorney. There are actual categories laid out by the government that one can petition for to allow them in to the country. We take a look at the categories that apply to the EB-4. 

Categories Outlined By The EB-4

It is understandable that there would be certain types of people and certain types of work that the United States would bend over backwards to get people through their borders to help in. These are essential jobs that cannot be done by just anyone. Consider the following categories with your immigration lawyer to see if there are any that you may be qualified to do: 


l  Religious Workers

l  Broadcasters

l  Member of the Armed Forces

l  Afghan and Iraqi Translators

l  Panama Canal Zone Employees

A good immigration attorney can certain help people in the above-listed categories to get a permanent status in the United States.

Family of These Workers

It is not just the workers themselves who are admitted into the United States to start doing the tasks that they have been brought in for. Rather, the family members of those brought to the United States to work may also be eligible for a green card as well. This process is something that has to be determined by a bureaucratic process ahead of time, but there are plenty of people who get their family members through the door this way. 

The spouse of someone working under an EB-4 green card may be eligible to enter the United States as well. The same goes for unmarried children of that worker who are under the age of twenty-one. 

The Special Need For Broadcasters

The United States has a special need for broadcasters. Just ask any immigration attorney and they will tell you how this is one of the ways in which people get into the country. These individuals can apply for their green card by just having the right experience and credentials to work in broadcasting. Even better, the definition of broadcasting is relatively broad meaning that it can apply to those who work in the print media just as much as those who work in the televised landscape.