T visa is a visa that allows victims of human trafficking, along with their immediate family members, who meet a certain criteria to stay and work in the US temporarily. Typically, T visas are only given to people who agree to help law enforcement and testify against the perpetrators. 


What does it take to become eligible for the T Visa?


You are eligible for a T visa if you were a victim of trafficking as defined by US law, are already located in the US, comply with all reasonable requests from law enforcement (or are under 18 or unable to assist them due to psychological or physical trauma), are admissible to the US, and can prove that your removal from the US would cause you to suffer severe and unusual harm. 


Who does the T Visa Effect?


This can get a little tricky in ascertaining and an immigration attorney might be best utilized to get you through the full details. If you are under 21, you can apply for your unmarried siblings under the age of 18, your parents, your children, and your spouse. If you’re 21 or older, you can only apply on behalf of your children and spouse. 


Regardless of how you perceive the difficulty in this matter, having an attorney or lawyer who is familiar with visas and immigration will substantially help you through the process. It will not only ensure that you fully understand what you may be getting into and what options you are afforded, but will also provide a guarantee that you will get the visa that was promised to you by law enforcement.